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The indie-pop gender roots in the post-punk culture, during the 80s, a culture based on Fanzines and independent record companies as “Creation” or “Sarah Records”, these companies supported the evolution of some independent bands, barely unknown, as the “Aztec Camera”.

The gender starts its diffusion with the distribution of the “C86”, it was a cassette tape with a compilation of songs produced by some independent bands(“Primal Screams”).

The distribution was cured by the musical magazine NME in 1986, from this year on the term “C86” will mean “Indie-Pop”.

Nowadays, the work of the NME is run by some web communities as “Indiepages” that promote the indie-pop artists.

 An introduction about alternative-indie pop gender

Interview with the band ‘Purple Buddha Cash’

For this activity about Indie/Pop musical genre, we decided to interview  the drummer of ‘Purple Buddha Cash’, a band from Portici(NA) founded in 2014, whose members are enjoy the same passion for Indie/rock music, Pop, Jazz, rap, Latin-American and Afro-Cuban music as well.
Thanks to this passion, the band has been able to become more and more popular with the passing of time and nowadays it’s already well known in Naples at least.
The peculiarity of Purple Buddha Cash is that they only sing English songs, without using others languages, not even Italian!


Here is the interview:

- Hi everyone and thak you for answering our questions.

 That’s fine,we’re happy to help you.

- What is the name of the band?

 Purple Buddha Cash.

- Why have you chosen ‘Purple Buddha Cash’ as your band’s name?

 Well, we have chosen ‘Purple’ because it’s our favorite color, ‘Buddha’ because we are Buddhist, and ‘Cash’ from the American  singer Johnny Cash.

- How many members are in the band and what instruments do you play?

 There are five members: a soloist, two guitarists, a bassist and a drummer.

- Why did you decided to form a music band?

  At the beginning there were only two people, the singer and the bassist. At a later stage they both decided to create a  supporting band for the ‘loco lives’. After the first meeting together as a musical group, the singer decided to form a band  because he thought a group would surely very strong.

- What musical genre do you play?

  Mainly our musical genre is Indie-Rock, but we are influenced also by other different music styles, depending on each member  of the group, who has his favourite one, but the principal is Indie-Rock, of course.

- Do you share only the musical taste, the musicality concerning Indie-rock or also the message of this genre and the reason it      was born for ?

  The genre, which a person listens to is linked to a world of ideas, lifestyles, and conveys its own message. As for Indie-rock, we  all share the musical taste, because we really love it, but at the same time we share the way of living music of Indie-rock singers,  who are our idols.

- What is the originality of ‘Purple Buddha Cash’ in comparison to the general style of Indie- Rock, according to you?

  In my opinion, the originality of our band is that each one of us adds different ideas in order to improve the work of the group, so  a member may positively influence the final musical product, sharing his opinion. For examp when we write a song, every  member changes something such as the musical notes, not only from Indie-rock genre, but also from Jazz, rap,Latin-American  and Afro-Cuban music.

- What about your relationship with the rest of the band?

 According to me, the other members of the band are my colleagues but above all they are friends, brothers, my second family.

- What is a song, in your opinion?

   I think a song is a vehicle that helps a singer to communicate his feelings and emotions to the audience and whenever it                  happens, the artist has achieved his goal.

- Do you want to go on with this career as a musician?

  Working as a musician is my life’s dream and even if this is very difficult, my band and I are going to fight in order to realize our       future as musicians.

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