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Is Music just an amusement? Not Really.
Music is an important part for teen's life, for our life.
Music is present in many moments of our days: in the morning when we go to school the music on the phone put us in a good mood to face up school. But there isn't a specific moment to listen to music, because music is the soundtrack of our life. Everyone likes music because it makes us dreaming, having fun, relaxiong and it's one of the first thing we learn to appreciate. Music is able to communicate us messages, emotions, it makes us thinking and it involves us in a new universe; music takes care of us and it's also able to connect us. Friedrich Nietzche said that without music, life would be a mistake. Thanks to the music we have worked together to realize this blog that is something unique in his gender. Related to this project we wanted also to discover what kind of music teens listen to nowdays, so, we decided to make a survey in all
our school.

Here is the chart:

But we are a little bit sad because the Erasmus Experience is almost at the end but we're happy for all the work we have done and for what we have created and also for the people we have met. We hope you like our work and our music tastes. Enjoy.

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